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What Is Ansible and Why Should You Learn It?

What Is Ansible and Why Should You Learn It?

In today’s complex IT environments, automation is a key driver of efficiency and productivity. System administrators must streamline their operations and find ways to scale quickly in today’s dynamic business landscape. Organizations use automation tools like Ansible to accomplish this.

Ansible is rapidly gaining popularity in the world of automation, making it critical for DevOps engineers and IT professionals to understand how it works.

What Is Ansible?

Ansible is a powerful, open-source automation platform that automates:

Ansible models the IT infrastructure by describing how systems interrelate instead of managing one system at a time. It’s an agentless tool, meaning you don’t need additional software and security infrastructure before deployment.

Ansible’s simplicity and ease of use can radically improve your IT environment’s consistency, reliability, and scalability.

What Are the Benefits of Learning Ansible?

Ansible offers the following benefits for DevOps and IT professionals:

What Are the Main Features of Ansible?

Ansible can be used in the following ways.

1. Application Deployment

Ansible enables DevOps teams to deploy multi-tier applications reliably and consistently. Through deployment automation, you can move your software repeatedly across the delivery cycle, eliminating the need to configure applications at every step of the process.

2. Security Automation

Fully deployed security automation could reduce the average cost of a breach by 65.2%. Ansible can integrate sitewide security company policies through automation technology and eliminate the need to monitor every machine for security compliance manually.

3. Configuration Management

Configuration management, which entails the overall management and maintenance of your IT systems, was traditionally handled manually or through custom scripting. With Ansible, IT teams can streamline the process and keep track of the state of their resources through the power of automation.

4. Orchestration

Complex IT processes such as application deployment require different configurations for each step. By defining workflows and infrastructure using Ansible, you can orchestrate the entire workflow and ensure the consistency of your results.

Learn Ansible Today

Ansible can help DevOps and IT professionals simplify their workflows and streamline operations through the power of automation. An Ansible beginner’s course is a great way to get started leveraging this powerful tool.