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Steps to follow in Case of Road Accidents in Atlanta

Steps to follow in case of road accidents in Atlanta

Road accidents are mostly a result of a precarious attitude. The most frustrating causes range from drunk driving to overspeeding, breaking traffic rules, cutting lanes, driving under the influence of drugs, and distracted driving.

If only all drivers on the road would have paid attention that most road accidents could be averted. Since that’s not the case in Atlanta and the chances that you might find yourself in an accident are high, you should understand what to do in such a situation and why to hire only the best injury lawyers in atlanta ga.

What to do if you Meet with an Accident?

First of all, don’t leave all the work to the police. The way you approach the accident from the beginning will have a big impact on what you would get as a settlement later on.  

Here’s a list of steps that are quite crucial in deciding your fate!

#1 Sniff Around for Evidence 

This should be the first step if you escaped without getting knocked unconscious.

The first pictures from the site of the accident, the statements of first respondents and eyewitnesses, and the testimony of police that arrived on the scene are the strongest circumstantial pieces of evidence that the court will pay most attention to.

When you have the evidence to prove that you weren’t responsible for the accident (even if the other party has been seriously injured), the blame cannot be shifted on you.

You’ll get a maximum settlement amount and the court will also take into account the trauma and shock you would have faced.

#2 Medical Checkup is Mandatory

Injuries sustained in an accident should be treated at the hospital by a doctor.

If you didn’t have to go to the doctor, you might be faking the nature of trauma you claim you had to suffer: that’s what the insurers will say! In all honesty, that’s exactly how the jury will see it too.

The settlement amount, especially for non-economic damages, depends upon the agony and trauma you and your family had to suffer. If you really didn’t even go see a doctor, it couldn’t have been serious. The minute insurers will prove it, the settlement amount will plummet by thousands of dollars.

#3 Entertain an Accident Lawyer, not the Insurance Company

It was your legal duty to inform the insurance company about the accident. But, you’re not under a legal obligation to entertain insurers, let alone give any statement, until you’ve hired an attorney. 

The only reason insurers are trying to offer a settlement quickly is because they don’t want to offer a fair settlement that would cover future expenses too.

Instead of trying to tackle insurers on your own, hire a personal injury attorney.

Bear in mind, your lawyer will be your only mascot. So, don’t hide anything from your attorneys and follow every piece of advice they have for you.